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What are the two basic jobs of Git?

In popular opinion, Git is nothing but an Open Source Distributed Version Control System. It is one of the most popular management tools for source code. A Git efficiently helps with its encrypted collaboration features like task management and bug tracking.

Moreover, it plays a pivotal role in implementing the methodologies of DevOps. While there is evidence of growth and popularity, job opportunities will likely escalate shortly. So, the most popular Git interview questions and answers will efficiently help you crack your interview.

We have got you covered if you are wondering what it means. This article will give you valuable insight into Git and its primary jobs. Let’s get started.

What is Git?

Earlier, you have come across the phrase – Open Source Distributed Version Control System. But what does it exactly mean? Let’s check.

●       Distributed Version Control System

The remote repository of it is stored within a server. In contrast, the computers of each developer have a local repository. So, the code is stored within the central server, but all developers’ computers have them entirely.

As it is present within every developer’s computer, it is regarded as a Distributed Version Control System.

●       Control System

It is a simple content tracker as it is efficiently used for storing content. In most cases, it is used primarily for storing codes.

●       Version Control System

Adding codes to the it storage is not essentially limited. So as and when more code is added, the stored code keeps changing. Git enables developers to add more codes in parallel.

Thus the Version Control System efficiently helps in handling this. It keeps a record and tracks all the significant changes that have happened. Besides, it also offers features like merges and branches.

We can rightfully say that this version control system is used for tracking significant changes in computer files. The two basic jobs of Git are:

  • It efficiently works as a source code management
  • Git efficiently supports non-linear development through numerous parallel branches

Besides source code management in software development, it also serves other purposes. It also allows multiple developers to work together on a single code.

What are the Features of Git?

The Version Control System is incorporated with numerous features. Some of them are:

  • Open and free source
  • Efficiently tracks history
  • Scalable
  • Support non-linear development
  • Easy branching
  • Efficiently creates backups
  • Distributed development

What are Git Commands?

It plays a pivotal role in programming and is an essential part of the daily lives of program developers. Moreover, this is extensively used in the software industry.

Git comes with numerous commands, and it requires efficiency and time to master them. However, some commands of it is used more frequently. Let’s check out some of the most used Git commands:

●       Git Clone

This command is usually used for downloading any existing source code from the remote repository. With Git clone, you can make identical copies of projects within a repository.

●       Git Branch

Branches are of primary importance in the world of Git. The “Git branch” command is used for creating, listing, and deleting existing branches. Through this command, developers can work on the same project simultaneously.

●       Git Checkout

This command will help you switch from one branch to another and check out files and commits. It is also another most used it command which efficiently works in a branch. But before working you need to switch to the branch.

●       Git Status

This command usually gives all the requisite information about the current branch. You can determine whether or not your current branch is up to date. It will also say whether your files are untracked or unstaged.

●       Git Add

Creating, modifying, or deleting a file usually happens locally and is not included within the following commits. To do so, you must make specific changes to the configurations. By using a “git add” command, you can include the changes in your next commit.

●       Git Commit

The most used command of it is “git commit.” After reaching a certain point of change and development, you need to save the changes. Failing to do so will significantly discard the changes you’ve already made.

This is more like a checkpoint in the development process. So this grants you the privilege to go back later, anytime, and when required.

Lastly, you need to incorporate a short message explaining the changes and developments in the source code.

●       Git Push

After making significant changes, you need to send your changes to your remote server. The “git push” command will help you upload your recent commits to the remote repository.

Remember, this command only uploads the changes that are committed. So in case you create a new branch, you need to use a new command for uploading it.

●       Git Pull

This command is usually used for getting updates from the remote repository. It is an effective combination of it merge and it fetch commands.

So, whenever you use the it pull command, it obtains an instant update from the remote repository. And instantly applies the latest changes in the “git merge.”

●       Git Revert

While you have almost reached the end, you might feel like making some significant changes. So, it would be best if you undid the changes you have made.

There are numerous ways of undoing the changes remotely, but you need to be careful while using the commands. This will help you to prevent unwanted deletions.

So, the safest way of undoing your commits is by using the “git revert” command. You need to mention the hash code you would like to undo.

This command will undo the given commit, thereby creating a new commit without deleting the previous one. And you will find an entire list of commit history containing the reverted ones. It is best to use this command to leave the commit history untouched.

●       Git Merge

This is the last and final step after completing development in your branch. Once you find out that every other thing is working fine, you need to merge the branch with the parent. You need to do this by using a it merge” command.

Before integrating the merge feature, it is essential to remain on a specific branch. This will make your merging procedure much easier with the feature branch.

To conclude

Now that you know the basic functionalities of Git, you can explore more about it. You can also get free it training by enrolling yourself with any leading institution like Simplilearn.

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